"If the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed" (Romans 8:36)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Weekly Bible Readings

So with the coming of the new Church Year on Sunday, I'm changing up my morning Bible devotions. I'm making it simple and switching to reading one Old Testament chapter, one New Testament chapter, and one Psalm each morning. This is a lot less than I was reading, but the smaller amounts will enable me to spend more focused time on the Scripture that I'm reading. I will continue to do this every morning except on the Lord's Day and on major feasts and festivals (when I spend time on the assigned pericopes instead). In case you're interested, I'll throw up the week's readings as a graphic once a week. The pericopes for Sunday morning were: Jeremiah 23:5-8, Romans 13:8-14, and Matthew 21:1-9.

+ Pax +

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